
Kirill Chaim Shcherbina
3 min readJan 6, 2021
Photo by Anthony DELANOIX on Unsplash

As you may already know, JavaScript (based on the ECMAScript [ES] standard) is an evolving language. Over time we have had several iterations. For the most part, ECMAScript’s evolution has changed to incorporate more features and language constructs over time (think ES6 arrow functions, class syntax, let, and const vs. their absence in ES5!). What was needed was a way to move all, various standards of JavaScript usage to the same standard. That is what the Babel program does — it makes all JavaSript versions emit a common, standard code.

Less metaphorically, Babel gained popularity because it compiled/transpiled newer ES6 syntax and language features into the older (and more widely deployed, at that time) ES5. This was especially important when ES6 came out because many browsers had not yet updated their JavaScript engines to interpret the new language features of ES6.

As of 2019, you are less likely to encounter browsers not implementing ES6 syntax. For example, open up your Chrome browser’s developer console and attempt to assign let y = 4; console.log(y).

Then why is Babel important?

If most popular browsers have moved to integrate ES6+ syntax, then why is Babel “still a thing?”

Babel’s competency was in reading in one type of text and making in-place transformations such that another type of text came out. Some developers realized that by processing their code with Babel, they could write code that’s terse and convenient and then have Babel turn that code into verbose, compliant JavaScript code.

Let’s take as an example how non-standard JSX (JSX is a React specific syntax) can be transformed, via Babel, into compliant JavaScript. Succinctly, Babel turns JSX into normal JavaScript written with the React library:

var profile = (<div>   <img src=”avatar.png” className=”profile” />   <h3>{[user.firstName, user.lastName].join(‘ ‘)}</h3></div>)

…when the above is run through Babel, we receive the following executable code:

var profile = (React.createElement(“div”, null,React.createElement(“img”, { src: “avatar.png”, className: “profile” }),React.createElement(“h3”, null, [user.firstName, user.lastName].join(“ “))));

While you don’t strictly need Babel as a dependency when writing React code, not having it means you have to write in the non-JSX syntax seen in the output above. My fingers think that typing that first one is better (because they’re lazy). My brain also likes that JSX paints an HTML picture in my mind’s eye. JSX removes the burden on the programmer to calculate an intermediary picture of the DOM in their brain when reading this code. So, we teach and write using the pre-Babel-compiled (first syntax above) JSX in our React applications.

Not Just For JSX

In addition to the JSX magic it provides, Babel can also compile other features and syntactic sugar that is not yet, or never will be, a part of ECMAScript! One example of this is a Babel plugin that enables the usage of language features proposed for ECMAScript, but not yet implemented.


Babel enables us to use syntax that browsers won’t natively recognize by pre-compiling it into syntax that browsers do natively recognize. When used with React, this can include, but not be limited to, digesting JSX.

Please see here for more info.

Hope you enjoyed!



Kirill Chaim Shcherbina

Passionate Programmer. Independent Thinker. Caring Father. Graduate of Flatiron Bootcamp for Software Development. Currently seeking new opportunities.